Friday, May 20, 2005

WOW! I Can Finally Write Something.

I have been pretty busy the past couple of days. Thursday I had a nice ride with Matty T. We did a couple of hours at Fair Hill. The nice part was we did a mellow pace. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy , just a little laid back. I thought it was much needed. I have been riding and racing pretty hard for the past couple of months. We all need to chill once in a while. Matt did a good job of leading and mixing things up a bit. We had a good ride and then sat and had a couple of beers with Kurtee, Todd, and Mike K afterwards.

Tonight was a sending off party for my good friend Keith(bobby's boy). Keith has to relocate because of a job. In the past couple of years I have really gotten to know Keith, and I have to tell you there isn't a better person out there. He always has the right attitude, and seems to always be happy. Even when life dealt him a bad hand, he found strength and found his way through it. He is not moving to the other side of the world, but he won't be out for the weekly rides anymore. I find this sad because I can honestly say I have never had a bad ride when Keith was there. I will still get to race with him, but it is the group rides when we are joking and having a laugh or two that I will miss most.

Tonight was a good time. L. Webb and Brian did a great job hosting the event. All the important people came out to see Keith off. L. Webb had her computer set up with a cool slide show of local races. Most of the pics. were taken by her boy Jeb Bagger(nice job dude). It is always good to get the team together, it is the best group of people.

Well I am just rambling on, it is late and I am tired.

Thanks for reading.

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