Monday, June 20, 2005

Run Forrest, Run!
As you can tell Matt was our runner, I was second Andrew third and Marc batting clean up. At the time the order seemed perfect. As it turns out, we should have made some adjustments. We had Matt and I doing just 1 night lap while Andrew did 2. We won't make the same mistake twice.

The single speed / rigid class was tough and it was a battle between the the top 4 teams. We lost some ground and decided to sit Andrew hoping to get Matt and I out for a fifth lap. Let me back up a second to say something about Andrew. Andrew is the man, he is one of the toughest people I know and even though he owns a single speed it is not his primary bike. He only had a week to get ready for this race, where as Marc Matt and myself live on single speeds. Andrew rode awesome, he battled pushed and gave us everything he had. I was glad to have him racing on our team, not to mention he was 14 years older than the oldest rider in our category.

We started a big charge at the end, We pulled back a lot of time in our last rotation but it just wasn't enough. I have to say I am in know way disappointed in our performance, every one of us rode as hard as they could on every lap. I was honored to be racing with these 3 guys and I can't wait until next year when we go back to win.
Posted by Hello

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