Thursday, January 18, 2007

This Has Benn Going on For 2 Weeks...

I used to never get sick. Maybe a little cold once in a blue moon but that was it. But this year, I am now on my second cold this winter and this one is hanging on for dear life. The worst part has been the nagging cough. Nothing seems to be working. I have been lucky to get in 2 rides a week, and they haven't been great rides.

Last night I said the hell with it and went to Downingtown. Probably not the smartest thing I've ever done but I needed to ride, if you could call it that. It was good to see the Bean's boys again, plus I got to see my team mates new ride. Bob's new Spot is one sweet bike. Even though I felt like shit and rode like shit, I still had fun.


1 comment:

van den kombs said...

IS that SPot orange or red ?? looks sweet either way.

hope you get rid of your cold asap.