It was our first date, Rachael picked the restaurant. Nice place(that has since burnt down) with a very good beer selection. Up until that night my beer of choice was
Sierra Nevada, not a bad beer, but certainly the best out there. I have to admit what attracted me to this beer was the price, I just had to know what a $7.00 beer tasted like. Rachael also pushed for m
e to try this one. I was awe stuck by the flavor, I couldn't believe a beer could taste this good. I even had another. Well I can now say the rest is history.
I do want to know what beer was it that opened your eyes, which beer made you realize there was more than the heavily advertised macro crap?
Let's here from you,
Me I started with the usual beginning of micros in the early 90's. Sierra, Sam Adams, Anchor, sam Smith. All the big names that have been around. I even brewed my own in 92'. When I moved to West Chester my nieghbors were bottling for Victory. They were bringing home cases of unlabeled beer. I tired one "hop devil" and could not believe a beer that good was made in dtwn. Those guys prefered american pils so I lucked out.
Smuttynose IPA. Still one of my favorites.
I was a student in england and I took a trip to Ireland in 1994. I tried Smithwicks. Not a microbrew but at the time you could only purchase it in Ireland and Canada. You couldn't even get it in the UK. I loved it and was very pleased when they started selling it in the US about five years ago. It is still one of my top ten.
Hopdevil...hands down.
Rogue (red)...
I owe many thanks to State Line's formidable beer selection circa 1996-7.
wow...my fav
Sam Adams, it was about the only beer with real flavor we could get down in Blacksburg...'88 to '92.
Dogfish Head 60 min IPA was my eye opener.
when i was underage, my buddy and i would get served at the local beer distributor. i started with Saranac. i remeber the beer guy saying, "if yer drinkin' shit like that, you gotta be old enough to be in here!" plus, if you took beer like that to a party, you didn't have to worry about people drinking your beer.
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