Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Little Dose Of Reality...

Last week was a rest week for me. I was hoping to come out this week and feel fresh and fast. Well sometimes things don't always go the way we want. Tonight was a sick fast ride led by this guy. Matt was relentless, also joining in on the pain, I mean fun, was fatmarc, and K Man. I did have an hour in before the rest of the guys showed up, but that is no excuse. You see my problem is, when I am having a bad day on the bike I get frustrated and pissed off. Thank you Marc for calming me down, and you know what else, after a brief stop so Marc could adjust his chain I felt a lot better. Still not great but at least I didn't get dropped.

I have to stop being so hard on myself, I know I will bounce back and be rockin out again in no time.

Well I will keep this short tonight.



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