Lately I have been working on my flying. It isn't going all that well. I am like that 80's TV show where the guy can fly but h

You remember The Greatest American Hero don't you. Today's flight was not my fault. We were climbing up the double track to the Ruin's trail at Fair Hill. I was feeling good when all of the sudden, something seemed to grab my foot. Rumor has it, that even though I was flying through the air I kept pedaling, unfortunately this didn't help with the landing. This is where my problem lies. Last Friday night I got air courtesy of the Indo Board, but couldn't stick the landing, Last Wednesday I hit the fucked up bridge the wrong way and did a nice flip but just couldn't stick the landing. I gu

fatmarc led a great ride today. Joining us was the K Man, Spot Paul, Ted Logic, Fitzy, and Little Ben. The ride was nice and steady, well until we hit 5 Bridges. Marc always attacks when we climb 5 Bridges. Today I was able to caver his attacks, which makes me think he was holding back. My old Pal Spot Paul, who says he can't climb was on my wheel most of the time.
He even said to me,"You Don't want it to come down to a sprint". I took a page out of Todd's book and said," Don't worry Paul, there won't be a sprint. I have to say there is nothing like talking smack with your friends, and after all Paul started it.
Well I have to try and shake this little cold I picked up so I can go out and get my ass handed to me tomorrow.
Ta Ta For Now,
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