Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dead Meat...

That is what my legs have felt like lately. I have no power, I have no endurance, I am just wondering where it all went. I have been home all week so I wanted to get in a big week of riding. WRONG, my body is not on the same page. Part of my problem was some tendinitis in my elbow, it made climbing on the single speed difficult, but that is a poor excuse. It is to early for my mid season melt down, so I am at a loss.

I am hoping it is just one of those weeks. Matt run Forrest and I are putting together another long mountain bike ride on Sunday. I hope I can find some of the form I had a few weeks ago. If not I am going to be a bit leery of the Stoopid 50, even though I am looking forward to it.

Hoping the legs come back,


Frank Brigandi said...

Hey Bud-E,
no legs.. that's a good thing actually, no I am not kidding..
try these few small bidy tuner things..
1.) vitamin b12 and fish oil me...
2.) massage the toxins out of your muscles so your liver can dicth that shit asap... you may be dehydrated somewhat which effetcs your liver and kidneys...negatively.. makes for sluggishness....
3.) nice long ride.. I mean long 6 hour road ride to shock your body, ( mostly brain painkiler functions..) into think everytime you mount your steed, it's going to have to work.. and it will....
if that doesn't work, I owe you some homebrew.. but I owe you some anyway...
btw.. yuor blog is fierce I'm scared now..

Buddy said...

Thanks Frank. I was thinking dehydration might be a part of it as well. We will see how the weekend goes.

forty f15teen said...

seemed like you had a little something something back today. nice ride and thanks for the green flash.