Monday, January 14, 2008

A Mixed Weekend...

While Fatmarc was having his fixie doughnut ride, I led a ride from my place. L Webb, Tom and Jeb Bagger joined me for a nice road ride. Lauri even brought doughnuts. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to join Marc's ride, but I just can't bring myself to drive to a road ride.

Jeb showed up with his spanking new mountain bike, he just couldn't resist riding it, I was glad because it kept him from ripping my legs off. It was a good ride as far as road rides go.

Sunday was a trip to Les the International Man of Mystery's pad for a trip around Brandywine. I was feeling a little tired, but I was looking forward to playing in the rocks. Once again Les put together a great loop, while dragging Ethan, Peaches, Bike Line Rich, and Elizabeth around with him.

Rich and Ethan have showed major improvement riding the Rock Gardens of Brandywine.

You think it is a coincidence they are both riding 29er single speeds? As much fun as I had on this ride it left me pretty much shattered, so I spent the rest of the day on the couch, watching Football in HD with our new Verizon Fios TV. Which, if it is available to you, I suggest you get it.

Well, that is it for me, have Fun.



1 comment:

Your Friendly Neighborhood HR Dude said...

good shots of blrich and e-town.
I heart brandywine...
